The illustrations for this story were hand drawn on the Ipad using the Procreate app.

A is for apple. Sam eats one every day.
A is for alligator. It swims in Old Town Bay.
A is for apron. Daddy uses one to cook.
A is for ask. Ask Mommy. I bet she’ll read you a bedtime book.
A is for arrow. It should be long, pointy and straight.
A is for ape. In the zoo, Matilda sleeps behind a big iron gate.
A is for auto. Riding in cars is so much fun.
A is for aid. It’s always nice to help someone.
A is for apricot. What a yummy food.
A is for angry. Sometimes we all get in a bad mood.
A is for acorn. It hangs from a tree.
A is for adult. They take care of you and me.