The illustrations for this story were hand drawn on the Ipad using the Procreate app.

My ears are big and floppy, my nose is long and thick
One thing you’ll never see, is me standing on a stick
Who am I?
An elephant
My tail is short and curly, my skin is hard and pink
My nose is round and big
Who am I? Who do you think?
A pig
I like to rest in a lake, I’m covered all over in feathers
My nose is wide and flat, I sunbathe in warm weather
Who am I?
A duck
I have many, many arms, I love to swim in the sea
I live in the water, Under a rock is where you may find me
Who am I?
An octopus
I like to eat bones, You throw it, I’ll catch the ball
I love my best friends, I want to cuddle up to them all
Who am I?
A dog