The illustrations for this story were created using Adobe Illustrator with vector-based shapes.

The book's cover features my illustration but was not created by me.

I know a wonky wombat.
He is not a normal wombat.
A normal wombat lives in the ground.
A wonky wombat lives in a house.

A normal wombat wears no clothes.
A wonky wombat wears a bow tie.
A normal wombat eats grass.
A wonky wombat eats tea and cookies.

A normal wombat does not have parties.
A wonky wombat has a tea party.
A normal wombat does not have friends.
A wonky wombat has lots of friends.
He invites all of them over for tea and cookies.
He wears a blue bow tie for his tea party.

The wonky wombat’s friends love him very much.
They love the wonky wombat because he is not normal.
I should be more like the wonky wombat.
So should you!