This story is about loving everything about yourself and who you are no matter what. This book is intended for a younger audience.
The illustrations for this story were hand drawn on the Ipad using the Procreate app.

I love my skin. I love my hair.
I love the colorful clothes I wear.
I love how tall I am.
I love to play ball.

I love every book I read.
I love them one.
I love them all.
I love my hair.
I love the puff.

I love my mind because it’s enough.
I love my strength.
I love to jump rope.
I love my faith.
I love my hope.

I love all people.
No matter the color of their skin.
I love who I am
I love deep within.
I love my life.
Someday I want to see…
That you can be you.
And I can be me.