The illustrations for this story were hand drawn on the Ipad using the Procreate app.

The book's cover features my illustration but was not created by me.

Once upon a time there was a green planet. The green planet was filled with life! The trees grew to be tall, the animals grew to be strong, and there was always enough food for every living thing to eat. The green planet had water for every plant, animal, and person.

The planet and its creatures lived in harmony. The planet took care of all its living things, and all the living things took care of the planet.
The people on the green planet wanted to add to it. They said, “Green is great! But there are so many things we can make!”
The people cut down the strong trees to build homes. They said, “The green planet gives so much to us and we are so thankful!”

After many, many years the planet wasn’t very green anymore. Now the planet was looking grey. It was covered in metal and plastic and other things the people had made. The people forgot to keep thanking the green planet for everything it made for them. The green planet felt sad.
The green planet stopped giving water to the people, animals, and plants. The green planet had been used and had very little left to give.

The people on the planet realized they hurt the green planet. They forgot how the planet used to take care of them. They forgot that they used to take care of the planet. They felt bad and wanted to change.
“How can we help the planet be green again?” the people asked each other.
“We need to give back the things we took away!” they said

So they stopped cutting down all the strong trees and gave them room to grow. They stopped taking all the water for themselves and started sharing it again with the plants and animals. They planted seeds for more plants and leaves.
They stopped making so many metals and plastics and started using all the gifts the planet made for them

The planet was still hurt, but with everyone’s help, it started to become green again. Every person’s effort was important to helping the green planet heal. The people told the green planet they were sorry. The green planet knew they were sorry and still loved the people very much.